Upcoming events
Walk for the world
Become the change you want to see in the world! How? Meditation is a great tool to revitalize the body, soul and mind to tap into your highest self. Join us monthly for a peaceful walking meditation at South Pointe Park in Miami Beach. When we begin the process of changing ourselves from the inside, it eventually becomes a reflection outward. This not only has an effect on you as the individual, but also everyone and everything around us as we are all connected to an infinite pattern of oneness. These walking meditations allow for beautiful connections to be made and you will leave with a sense of purpose. You will know and feel in your heart that your participation in these events is impacting the entire world because of the uplifting vibrations you are sending out into the universe.
Join and connect after the event for breakfast, hugs, laughter and community engagement <3
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OPALISER activation
Are you interested in learning about esoteric knowledge, unlocking your DNA potential and evolving humanity? This event’s primary focus is connecting like minds and building a community in Miami Beach to share wisdom, knowledge and to heal. Event includes a cacao ceremony and sound bath to get the body into a high frequency state.